Better organizations create better outcomes.

Supporting nonprofits, corporations and government entities.

Asha B Consulting provides consultation services to nonprofits, corporations and government entities, with specific focus on organizational development and capacity building. The consulting process emphasizes collaboration throughout, with the client being a true partner in developing any plans, inspiring and empowering them to execute effectively.

Services include:

  • Fund Development/Capacity Building

  • Board Development

  • Operations Improvement

  • Organizational Development

  • Strategic Planning

Helping the Helpers

I specialize in consulting nonprofits supporting historically marginalized populations including those who are BIPOC, students, foster youth, young adults and those formerly incarcerated. I have engaged faith-based organizations, trained leaders and volunteers, and partnered with community-based organizations throughout Western Washington.

With decades of experience in the private, nonprofit and government sectors, I understand the complex dynamics and inner workings of various types of organizations. With a master’s degree in Industrial Organizational Psychology, my dream has long been to understand the unique challenges individual nonprofits face and develop strategies to work through those challenges, often as a team.

Women in a meeting

Asha B Consulting is founded on the practice of bringing all voices to the table and developing strategies to bring about change based on individual client needs and circumstances. By using tools and frameworks that flex, clients are encouraged to share their goals and visions and co-create executable plans. Clients are encouraged to continue to track outcomes and pivot as needed. Clients have the option of engaging with Asha B Consulting for ongoing check-ins and support.

Bringing all Voices to the Table

  • "[Asha] is eager to collaborate and is always intentional to include important stakeholders, including those who should be centered in the work. She shares her knowledge."

    Dr. Judy Loveless-Morris, Sr. Vice President, Chief Diversity & People Officer

  • "[Asha] works to disrupt how philanthropy is practiced — but she does so by equipping her peers. She works closely to build diverse Boards and build in trainings and practices that leave practices that are equitable, clear, and impactful."

    Dr. Judy Loveless-Morris, Sr. Vice President, Chief Diversity & People Officer

  • "Asha provided us with a north star in developing the foundation of our nonprofit organization. Her ongoing guidance grounded us and gave light to what was needed develop a clear and doable plan in establishing our mission, vision, and values."

    Dr. Deanna Sanders, Founder, At Promise Academic Mentoring